Monday, October 19, 2009

Twas the night before Pre-school

Twas the night before pre-school and all through the house my kitchen was clean the living room too

It won't be long before 8 little kids will gather at the table to learn and be able
We will sing and learn letters eat food and color sweaters
Then after 2 1/2 hours we'll see if all is well

Okay so I am not a poet and we will do all but color sweaters. We will color though. I am hoping all goes well as I have an additional person to side track me. To think Bridger will be 4 1/2 months old. I will post pictures of all the fun we have!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

It is becoming a tradition for us to go to Cochran's and pick out our pumpkins. I think I will go back with the girls in their witch outfits and take some more pictures. We love this place! They have cute things to buy and great produce!

Bridgers Blessing

What a special day! It was so great having most of our family there to participate. I am very grateful for brothers and uncles and grandpa's and especially fathers who have set such a great example. To me there isn't a stronger power than the priesthood power these great men hold. We had a fun time trying to find a blessing outfit that would fit Bridger and that we liked. We finally started looking at suit options and found a suit for $30 bucks at Bliss in the Newgate mall. We got it home and tried the pants on him and his skinny legs drowned in them. So the day before we headed out with Diane to see what we could find. We tried Sassy babies in Bountiful and found tons of cute items and a cute suit but not one that fit. We then tried Brats and found an outfit and shoes that we all thought would work great. I will say it is more fun to shop for girls (sorry Bridge).

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Girls Nights

We have had 2 really fun girl nights the last few weekends. We had one with the Wachters where we decorated witch hats and made tutu's . We then went to the General Relief Society meeting which I thought was amazing! It made me rethink my involvement in Relief Society, that it is not merely another meeting I go to but it is my weekly meeting for the Lord's club that I choose to be apart of. It makes me more excited to fulfill my responsibilities. After that we went to dinner at Mi Ranchito's.

Then during the priesthood session the Jones girls got together and we baked pizza's and made super cute beaded bracelets using safety pins.

Now I am getting ready for Super Saturday and Bridgers blessing which are both this weekend. Life is just crazy fun!