Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Week

What we did this week:

Family- This week we had some good times. The events that stand out most to me are Grandma Forsey's 80th birthday party and helping fill the eggs for the South Ogden Easter egg hunt. I wasn't sure how well the girls would do but they did awesome! Ali was right on it. We folded up free kid meal coupons to Zucca and Warren's then placed it in a plastic egg with two pieces of taffy. Ali could do it all herself! Emi and I worked as a team I would fold then she would put it all in the egg then tape it while I held it shut. Bridger even did well smiling at everyone and eating cheerios. They even fed us pizza! What a fun way to spend a Friday night. I would love to do more family service like this. Grandma's birthday was great. We had quite a few people there. She didn't want a meet and greet so her kids sent out letters asking for people to write her a letter with memories of her. They got a great response. We then shared some of them that night. She is looking good after all these years!

Church- We had our Relief Society birthday party this week. What we did was encouraged people to read scriptures that had been previously picked out and answer questions. Then Thursday we had 2 different sessions that people could come to and share there experiences. We also had some FHE kits for people to put together. We also served brownies ice cream and hot fudge. For our ward I wouldn't do two sessions again. The girls also had a primary activity this week called the spiritual olympics. I didn't see all the fun but I know they made the title of Liberty and sugar cookie gold medals.

Workouts- This week my personal workouts stunk. I did get a good 50 min, cycling ride in but that as about it.
Teaching -I taught 3 yoga classes this week. 2 60 min classes and 1 40 min. kid yoga class. My kids yoga class has been a growing experience for me. Trying to find ways to keep the kids interested and to attempt to make it fun yet yoga like. This past week I really tried to walk around and give positive feedback. It seemed to go over well.
Training- I had 3 training sessions 2 of which are my regular Wellness group sessions.

Thoughts- At Grandma's birthday I got talking to our cousins Chris and Nicole the cute newlyweds in the fam. I told them they are just like the couples in our ward that I worry about . The nice RM husband and the cute young wife, just excited about life but a little lazy in their church devotion. I of course said this as a generalization not meaning anything about them personally. But as it turns out they are even more like the couples in our ward then I thought. But as they analyzed the situation I found out that they thought "Why invest the time and effort we are only here for a short time" Which I can see many of our renters saying and even town home owners. Then they also said that this past week their Elders Quorum president came out to visit them. This was the first visit they have had. They visited for an hour and a half. they enjoyed it and now feel like they have some friends. They also couldn't see why they would be important to a ward. This has given me greater insight into what I need to be doing for my calling.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weight Loss Frustrations

So I have just about completed week 3 on my way to reach 133 by the time I am 33. So far the only progress I have made is finding out what doesn't work. I have yet to loose a pound. Since I had Bridger I have gained about 15 pounds. That averages about 2 pounds a month. Getting the weight off has not be so easy. My fat intake still seems to be hight and I am not quite sure where that is all coming from so I am going to analyze my food in a nutrition program that breaks the nutrients down by the food. I am also going to create a chart of some sort to make sure I am getting between 60-80 oz of water a day. The other thing I want to do is hit the weights hard! I know that if I can increase my lean muscle mass I can burn calories more efficiently. So we will see how this works for week 4.

Thursday, March 18, 2010 - Ensign Article - Preparing Our Children for General Conference

This is an awesome article filled with ideas on how to prepare for General Conference. It also has great ideas to keep us actively involved during conference no matter our age! - Ensign Article - Preparing Our Children for General Conference
I would love to hear any other ideas that people have tried or heard of!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How to get your baby to sleep

So they say you shouldn't let your baby fall asleep with a bottle in their mouth, but what about a lollipop?

Training Update:
I had an awesome superset workout yesterday and I am feeling the effects today! My diet I have done to stick with my calories but I can do better with my fat %. However it is funny to me that my fat content is high because I rarely add extra fat to my food except salad dressing which is usually vinegar and olive oil. I guess I need to watch the fat content in my other foods. Today I didn't get in a workout but I did good sticking to my calories. I also went shopping for some clothes. Good news there is that I only had to by 14's I was really worried I was going to be a 16. I am hoping to one day soon be at least an 8!

Monday, March 15, 2010

First post of my Training success

All of these will be success posts because even if I gain weight I have learned something about myself. So...
I have been really frustrated that after 2 weeks of tracking my workouts and my food. I have actually lost nothing! I know facebook says I gained 2 pounds but truth be told I thought I weighed less than I did when I started. So yesterday I did some contemplation on what I can do to remedy this. I asked myself if I have truly been recording my food and the intensity of my workouts correctly and I really feel that I have. I did go back and look at where my calories are coming from, fat, carbs or protein. I am definitely consuming more fat than I should be. I also feel I need to make a few other changes so this is my game plan for the next 2 weeks to see what happens:
1. Reduce fat intake. No more than 30% of my calories should be coming from fat
2. Do 3 strength training workouts this week in a super set fashion using a strength training app to accurately record what I do.
3. Make sure I drink 64oz of water

So this on top of what I have been doing. We will see how it goes.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Safety Fair

This past weekend we went to the Safe Kids Fair at the South Town Expo Center. It was a great time. We went first on Friday early afternoon with Ali's preschool. Then we did go back on Saturday towards the end and it was a mad house. I would like to do it again but it will be early on Friday. I just wanted to share some of the pictures.

They had a few people painting faces. They were amazing. I'm not going to lie, I wish I had gotten mine painted.

The Firefighters were doing a cool house demo where they taught the kids what to do in case of a fire. Then they let them climb down a chain ladder.

ADN we always have to find the princess. Girls just love them.

But I don't like my bed!

Many nights we hear this all too familiar statement from Ali, "But I don't like my bed." or "I can't sleep, my bed is too hard." So one night she came downstairs and told Ryan she didn't want to sleep in her room. So he said alright, let's find you somewhere else you can sleep. So they decided the kitchen would be a good spot. So Ali grabbed a pillow off the couch and one of Bridger's small blankets and went and laid down in the kitchen. Ryan later came and asked her if she wanted a bigger blanket. So he put one of our large quilts on her. I can't imagine how this could be better than a nice soft bed in a nice warm room.

Before Ryan went to bed he did move her up to her room. Now when asked if she wants to sleep in the kitchen her reply is no.