Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weight Loss Frustrations

So I have just about completed week 3 on my way to reach 133 by the time I am 33. So far the only progress I have made is finding out what doesn't work. I have yet to loose a pound. Since I had Bridger I have gained about 15 pounds. That averages about 2 pounds a month. Getting the weight off has not be so easy. My fat intake still seems to be hight and I am not quite sure where that is all coming from so I am going to analyze my food in a nutrition program that breaks the nutrients down by the food. I am also going to create a chart of some sort to make sure I am getting between 60-80 oz of water a day. The other thing I want to do is hit the weights hard! I know that if I can increase my lean muscle mass I can burn calories more efficiently. So we will see how this works for week 4.


Brittney said...

Good luck!!! I know you can do it. :)