Monday, March 15, 2010

First post of my Training success

All of these will be success posts because even if I gain weight I have learned something about myself. So...
I have been really frustrated that after 2 weeks of tracking my workouts and my food. I have actually lost nothing! I know facebook says I gained 2 pounds but truth be told I thought I weighed less than I did when I started. So yesterday I did some contemplation on what I can do to remedy this. I asked myself if I have truly been recording my food and the intensity of my workouts correctly and I really feel that I have. I did go back and look at where my calories are coming from, fat, carbs or protein. I am definitely consuming more fat than I should be. I also feel I need to make a few other changes so this is my game plan for the next 2 weeks to see what happens:
1. Reduce fat intake. No more than 30% of my calories should be coming from fat
2. Do 3 strength training workouts this week in a super set fashion using a strength training app to accurately record what I do.
3. Make sure I drink 64oz of water

So this on top of what I have been doing. We will see how it goes.


AJ said...

I'm so there with you! Good luck!