Sunday, January 24, 2010

Amazing Lesson

Today we had an awesome lesson in Relief Society. We discussed Elder D. Todd Christofferson's Nov. conference talk about Moral Decision. It made me think a lot about laws of society vs. God's law and the way I teach my children. A couple of things that stood out to me are the following:
1st: Choose the right because it is the right, even when it is hard
2nd: "As the Lord describes it, 'Every man walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own god'" So I asked myself if I were to draw my God based on my decisions what would he look like? Crazy thing to sit and ponder!
3rd: Because of what has happened in our current society we have seen the following: "Reactions have focused on enacting more and stronger regulation. Perhaps that may dissuade some from unprincipled conduct, but others will simply get more creative in their circumvention. -This made me think of how stricter laws often just hurt those of us who are currently trying to live by them. Those that break them continue to break laws. This also made me think about how When God gives us a commandment he doesn't outline every aspect of that law. Like with our garments he doesn't say exactly when to wear them or not, but we are to follow the spirit in these things.
4th "'We would not accept the yoke of Chisit; so now we must tremble at the yoke of Caesar.'"
5th "Moral discipline is learned at home...Our teaching should draw upon our own faith and focus first and foremost on instilling faith in God in the rising generation. " "Each must be persuaded that service and sacrifice for the well-being and happiness of others are far superior to making one's own comfort and possessions the highest priority." -Imagine what would happen if the CEO's of these large banks were to have really thought about all of us little people before they made and make their bonus checks out. They are making 5 million in bonus' or whatever it is when I know 3 men in my ward, my own husband included in this that is under employed and many others that own their own business' are just keep praying things get better.
6th We need to be constantly teaching, mostly by example - So how can I serve and show faith to my kids. Angela Hunter in my ward shared how she recently took the time to write in her journal of a time her prayer was answered about something small. She later found out that her oldest daughter, 14 likes to read her journals from time to time. Ang thought how great it will be for her to read of these small faith building experiences as she continues to write them.
7th: parents sometimes say they "don't want to impose the gospel on their children but wan them to make up their own minds about what they will believe and follow. They think that in this way they are allowing children to exercise their agency. What they forget is the the intelligent use of agency requires knowledge of the ruth, of things as they really are." Think about how Satan recruits the young or old he is not passive. He doesn't sit back and say I will let them choose he is actively seeking them especially through media. A point was made in church of how we are constantly surrounded by noise, text, ipods, mp3s, cell phones etc. We never have quiet time and as we know the spirit comes in a still small voice so if we are always in noise how can we hear him? I wonder if this is why their was such a great desire for religious freedom before radios, phones etc. People were out working the land and thinking. They had time to listen to God and to talk to him.
Finally: To help teach our children we need to show them that God is a part of all things. We need to acknowledge God in all things.

Most of these are just my thoughts that I wanted to capture before this day was over. I hope all of you are having a wonderful Sunday.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Apples for dinner

Tonight when we hadn't had dinner by 6pm Ali and Emi decided it was up to them to get it ready. They came up to get me and when I came down they had 3 plates set on the table each with an already washed apple on it! They are so cute. They were so proud of themselves.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mom and Dad's new place

Mom and Dad closed on their new home in Saratoga Springs this last week. Most of us went out to see it Sunday night. It will be a great new place for our family gatherings. During the week who knows what they will do with all that space. But when we all get together it will be awesome!

This will be the room the kids love the most. This is the great room above the garage. Bailee, Parker, Ali, Emi, Andrew and Elle had fun playing all over the house.

Their new garage hear was a racing spot for the kids. I am pretty sure my whole town home would fit in the garage with room to spare our town home is 1250 square feet).

In the living room their are these alcoves that Emi thought were the perfect hiding spaces!

Congratulations Mom and Dad! We can't wait to help with moving and painting and such!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Pictures

So here are the aftershots of the haircut massacre.

Ali just wanted her hair out of her face. So she mostly cut the side hair.

This picture doesn't do it justice just how many choppy layers Ali cut for Emi!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Crazy Monday

I was reminded as to why I don't want to teach aerobics a lot and be a mom. Monday I had a personal training session with a girl who is getting married June 11th. We have met before but now she has true motivation, to look good in her wedding dress! Then that evening I was asked to sub a cycle class which are my favorite! So I was upstairs working on my playlist and Ryan was running errands. I hadn't been upstairs long when Ali comes walking up the stairs with some kid scissors (they cut paper all the time and are learning quite well). This time though you guessed it! It wasn't paper they cut but hair. Ali is always saying she wants a boy haircut because her hair is always in her way. So today as her hair got in her way she just decided to cut it! Her hair she didn't cut so much, but she really hacked into Emi. Poor little Em. She has more layers on the left side of hair then I have seen. I really tried to blend it but it is going to be a long process. I must admit I thought I would skip this trial. I always cut Ryan's hair and we have a big discussion every time on who cuts, dad, or a person at a special hair salon. But in the end I guess when your hair is in the way you don't care. There was hair all over our house, all over Emi and just everywhere.

So then we got the hair resolved (I actually didn't fix it until Wednesday, busy schedule). We ate dinner and off to the South Davis Rec Center for class. While I was in class Ryan was going to take the girls swimming for FHE. So I went one way and he went another. I guess shortly after they got in the pool someone pooped so they went into the lap pool for an hour while they cleaned it. Then again a couple hours later they again had to close the pool because someone pooped. That time it wasn't so bad because we needed to leave and this was an easy way to get the girls out.

As for me I taught my cycle class. We did mostly an endurance ride, but I must admit I am really out of shape for an instructor! I have just started working on my cardio health a few weeks ago. I didn't work out at the end of my pregnancy because I would be completely exhausted if I did. So we have this great 1 hour cycle class. Then as we are all cleaning up I keep waiting for the next instructor and she isn't there, isn't there and then one of our yoga instructors Karena comes in and says Jill, the regular instructor, has a son just a throwing up and can't get here to teach. Karena tells the class she can do it but it will be them helping her teach the class. I told her I could do it. It would be basic but I could do it. So I did I taught the step class that night too. I was dead half way through I was stepping on my bench as little as possible. I cooled them down early and did abs because I was dying. I was happy that I brought my big ol bag that had my step routines in it and cds even though they were old. I did have fun. The girls in the class were all very nice too. Needless to say I was dead that night! What a crazy day!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Emi's Birthday

Emi is now 3! What a horrible age. In my opinion I would take two 2's and move right into the 4's. But since that isn't really an option here we come horrendous 3's! Emi is already our little spit fire. She can be the sweetest little thing one minute and make you madder than mad the next.

Anyway, we had a great time celebrating her 3rd birthday. Ryan cooked up some yummy German pancakes for breakfast. He also make her 3 balloon flowers for a centerpiece. For lunch we all went out to Chick-fil-a on Riverdale which was a blast. We had lots of fun playing. The kids played for at least 2 hours. It was great to get out of the house. Then that evening Ryan took Emi on a date to Chuck-e-cheese where they shared a pizza and played lots of games.

It seems that everyone in our family has at least 3 parties. Emi next got to celebrate her birthday with her Jones aunts and grandparents and cousin Lucy. We celebrated on Jan. 1st. We all got together for lunch then opened presents for Lucy's birthday, Kevin's (Grandpa's) and Emi's. After we went to the movies where some of us went and saw the Princess and the Frog. Me and the girls loved it! I will definitely watch that one again! I loved the story in it. Emi's third party was at the Wachter house where we celebrated Emi's, her aunt Cathy's and cousin Padan's. The hardest part for Emi is sharing her new toys. Ali wants so badly to play with them but Emi doesn't want to share! That has made the last almost week difficult. One day I might know a little bit more about good parenting.


What a happy time of year! I must admit at first I thought we were going to have a repeat of last year with a sick child. Bridger got his immunizations on the 23rd and on the 24th he had a fever. Luckily it didn't last long and with Tylenol he seemed to do just fine.

We were truly blessed this holiday season. We had lots of secret Santa's watching over us. In fact this was probably the biggest Christmas Ryan and I have had during our marriage. It started out before Thanksgiving with a knock on the door. When we opened the door their was a plate of cookies and an envelope. The envelope contained $50! What a blessing just in time to help us with some much needed bills. Next we got a phone call from our Bishop telling us he had a family that wanted to adopt us this Christmas. We filled out a questionnaire and promptly returned it to the Bishop. Then the week of Christmas we were blessed so much. We received checks from our grandparents and gift cards from cousins. We returned Sunday night from a family party to find 2 large presents and 2 small presents on our porch for our children. Then Monday night again a know on the door and this time a bowl filled with crumpled up bills totaling over $100. Then of course we had so many wonderful gifts delivered to us by our bishopric from our secret santa family. One other thing we got to do was to go to DI to pick out a few things we needed. I had no idea that at Christmas time the Bishops can send families in need to get any items that they need for free! It is amazing what they do. They have these kits to make doll houses that are amazing. They also have people take home various dolls and clean them up and package them so cutely! Next year I plan to give back and donate some of my talents and time to do the same for someone else.

So needless to say when our girls woke up Christmas morning the awoke to quite an array of wonderful Christmas gifts provided by the most special kinds of Santa's the true Santa's in this world.