Friday, August 6, 2010

As I learn

Today I am going to work a little harder on letting things roll off my back. I will not be easily offended. I will hear people out before becoming defensive. I will not "read into" typed messages that do not convey tone of voice being unsure of the seriousness or silliness behind the message. I will do my best to love my children and my husband. I will not drive myself crazy trying to do everything all at once and all the time. I will do what I can today and leave the rest for tomorrow knowing that it is okay. I will ask myself "In the eternal realm of things does this really matter?" I will do more to cherish friends and family. I will do my best to look beyond myself and see how my actions will affect those around me. I will see if there are things I can do to lighten the burden on those around me. I will look for more ways to serve. And most importantly I will look for ways in which the Lord can help me make my weaknesses into strengths.