Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The computer Crash

So we have a mac and they are suppose to be invincible! Not so. When we came home after our Christmas parties our mac wouldn't work. We found out our hard drive had fried, no one knows why. So we have now lost our whole last 2 years of photo's and videos. It really stinks but we got us an external hard drive to back everything up to so now it won't happen again!

As for everything else...We did find us a new car. We are now a van family. We bought us a 2004 AWD toyota Sienna. While it isn't my dream car it is the best for young kids, they can get in and out easy and at a push of the button the door opens!

Christmas was great. We had fun at all our family parties. I will load some pictures that I do have with my next post. I just wanted to get something up so people didn't think we had forgotten about our blog!


Brittney said...

How sad-I'm sorry.