Friday, February 13, 2009

It's a Boy!!! (most likely)

We just found out that we are most likely having a baby boy! I am due August 6th 2009. Even before I was pregnant Ali kept asking for a baby brother and telling me that I had a baby brother in my belly. I didn't know I was pregnant until mid december. At our last doctor's appointment the doctor starting looking at the ultrasound and he wanted to say we were having another girl, but because Ali has been so persistent that it is a boy he wiggled the baby around and looked a little closer and we think we saw boy stuff going on. We will for sure find out on March 6th at my next doctors appointment. But we are looking forward to welcoming a baby brother into our family!


Stacey said...

Andrew is looking forward to having a boy cousin too!! We need more of them!!

AJ said...

Congrats! That's so exciting!

The Metcalf's said...

Congrats Wendy! I bet the girls are excited!

Brittney said...

Congrats-we are excited for you guys!