Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An eventful week

On Wednesday Ali had Kindergarden round-up. She had lots of fun going and meeting her 2 possible teachers. Thanks to Melissa and Lucy for letting Bridger and Emi come hang out with them!

Then Thursday out of no where Ali says "I need to go and count the houses" so she went outside and counted the houses on our little street. She came back in and declared there were 10. A dew minutes later she said I need the make some newspapers. So she pulled out 10 white sheets of papr and our bag of elastics. At this point I still had no idea what she was doing. She starts drawing pictures on the papers and then rolling them up like telescopes, which she often does so again I thought nothing about it.

Then she came in with her helmet on, grabbed her papers and started to load them in her scooter. She then delivered them to each of our neighbors!

Bridger had surgery on Friday the 16th. He had what we are lovingly calling "boy surgery" He handled it like a trooper. The girls spent the night with Grandma Wachter and had so much fun.

Ryan Graduates from institute! Way to go Ryan!!!


Holly said...

Congrats Ryan! What is next for you?
I cannot believe that Ali is old enough for kindergarten already. I love the newspaper story.

Brittney said...

All I can say is, I love Ali's shirt!!!!


Nice Job Ryan!